Household Wonders

Eco-Friendly Baby

Because eco-friendly babies are cleaner babies

Household Wonder's Eco-Baby

As parents, we continually strive to provide the best for our children. 

Adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle provides our children with the immediate benefits of a healthier environment. It also ensures that their future and the future of our environment looks that bit ‘greener’ too. 

🌿 Nurturing Our Littlest Earth Heroes 🌿

Going eco-friendly with your baby is about consciously choosing environmentally friendly products that also meet the needs of your child. As parents, we have the ability to instil eco-friendly habits into our children from a young age. What could be more empowering than that!?!

👶 Gentle Beginnings, Mindful Choices 👶

From eco-friendly nursery essentials to natural baby care products, we’re here to help you make informed and sustainable choices for your little one. Explore topics that empower you to create a safe, healthy, and eco-conscious environment as you welcome your baby into the world.

🌍 A Future-Focused Adventure 🌍

We believe that every diaper change, every feeding, and every bedtime story can be a small step toward a greener future. Discover tips for reducing waste, choosing eco-friendly baby gear, and embracing sustainable parenting practices that not only benefit your baby but also contribute to a healthier planet.

🌼 Empowering Eco-Parents 🌼

Our Eco-Friendly Baby Blog is your trusted resource for exploring eco-friendly baby products, learning about sustainable baby clothing, finding DIY ideas for natural baby care, and connecting with a community of like-minded parents who share your commitment to raising environmentally conscious kids.

We hope our green parenting tips will help and inspire you to raise the next generation of little eco-conscious warriors, because pardon the pun, eco-friendly babies are ‘cleaner’ (and greener!) babies! 🌎👶🌿

What You Will Find in Our Eco-Baby Posts

Nurture your baby in the best way possible by choosing eco-friendly and sustainable products made from natural elements.

At Household Wonders, we believe it is never too early to start out on your eco-friendly journey. That’s why we’ve focused on some of the earliest products you’ll use on your baby, including baby wipes, diapers, blankets and more.

We only recommend products we’ve tried and tested, and believe in.

Get started on your eco-baby journey now and contribute to a global community of like-minded individuals playing their own part in reducing harm on Mother Earth.

Browse All Eco-Baby Articles


Bamboo vs. Cotton Baby Wipes (Spoiler Alert: Bamboo Wins)

Using eco-friendly, green materials in our everyday lives can be a tough task with everything going on, especially when children are involved. Most are likely not too concerned about the material they’re using for their baby wipes, but it can make a big impact on the planet in the long

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feet on white bed sheets

Bamboo vs Linen Sheets: Which Is Better for You?

Bamboo sheets have increasingly grown in popularity over the last few years due to their sustainability. Consumers are becoming eco-conscious in their purchasing and so bamboo products of all kinds are selling well. How do they compare against linen sheets? So, who wins in terms of bamboo vs linen sheets?

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white bed sheets and pillows

Bamboo vs Cotton Sheets: The Ultimate Bedding Battle

Your bed sheets are one of the most essential fabrics to consider for a comfortable night’s sleep. Bamboo fabric has become a popular eco-friendly alternative to cotton sheets. But with all the available choices, we wanted to settle once and for all whether bamboo sheets are better than cotton. This

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bamboo and metal straws

Bamboo Straws vs Metal Straws: Which Is Better?

Did you know that an estimated 170 million single-use plastic straws are used every day in the USA alone? That’s a lot of plastic waste which is incredibly harmful to our planet. Our society has become increasingly aware of this plastic pollution issue, creating an increasing demand for reusable bamboo

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transparent bamboo curtain

Bamboo Curtains: Advantages and Disadvantages

Bamboo curtains are an excellent eco-friendly option for draping your doors and windows on your property, but are they perfect? In this post, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of bamboo curtains. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of bamboo curtains? Advantages to bamboo curtains are they’re eco-friendly, natural-looking,

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Baby Blankets Made from Bamboo: Why Use Them?

Being able to wrap your baby up into a bundle of comfort can be a great way to give your baby the feeling of safety. Whether your baby needs to sleep or simply stay close to you, baby blankets are a must. Baby blankets made from bamboo and other eco-friendly

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sulfate-free shampoo

Are Sulfates Really That Bad for You?

Sulfates have become a hot topic as of late with many people worried about the possible damage to their health. Sulfates are found in thousands of everyday products and you probably encounter them every day. Are sulfates really that bad for you? Excessive use of products containing sulfates may cause

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safety razor and blade

Are Safety Razors Better for the Environment?

People are finding more creative ways in their daily routines to reduce their plastic waste. Many men and women are now choosing to go back in time and use a traditional method of shaving: using a safety razor. With many added benefits for your skin, many also wonder what environmental

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plastic and resuable metal straws

Are Metal Straws Better for the Environment?

Metal straws are becoming increasingly popular with eco-conscious consumers looking for a solution to avoid using disposable plastic straws. This trend is a reflection of the growing awareness around the impact of plastic waste on our environment. So, are metal straws better for the environment? Metal straws are typically made

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